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Sunday 20 September 2015

Information Technology

 Information Technology
• Information Technology (IT) is defined as the use of computer hardware and software to store, retrieve, and manipulate  information.

Advantages of Information Technology
  1. Easier Communication- with the help of information technology, communication has also become cheaper, quicker, and more efficient. We can now communicate with anyone around the world through email, or using the social network services (Face book, Twitter, Instagram) 
  2.  Creation of new jobs -creation of new and interesting jobs such as Computer programmers, Systems analyzers, Hardware and Software developers and Web designers are examples of new job opportunities created with the help of IT. 
  3.  •Globalization of knowledge-today you can use the internet to get the latest news from any country on the globe. Services like ‘’Twitter’’ and Wikipedia are well equipped with data on about anything. 
  4.  Improves data storage and file management -information and data are very important tools, so it is very essential to store them safely and also access them at any time of need. With services like “Dropbox”, we can store and backup data, and can access data any time any where.

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